Well, I could not sit still but to post a few photos that were shared with me from my friend, Dawn, of a recent fashion show, where she performed a remarkable work on the make up on the swim-wear models with her partner, Shannon. These swim-wears were designed by her friends, Britt and Michelle. and what do you say people? HOWT LOOKING SHIT!
It is always very very inspiring to see an image or experience a moment where people are manifesting their true passion. Say it is a fashion show, or a live house music performance. I can not get enough of witnessing these hot moments of other people's lives. I was very inspired by these photos and wanted to share what I was most positively influenced by in the past couple of days. :)
For those who are interested in purchasing their swim-wears, please visit: www.fascinodiva.com
Also, those individuals (living in west Canada) who are interested in getting a fabulous make up work, please email me so that I can forward you a contact after getting a permission of my friend :) (the name of their company is: Shadan Artists).
Thank you very much for the true inspiration and your great vibe, Dawn. You ROCK!! :)
Whoa, Kumi, so you've made the move over to where us members of the great unwashed masses keep our blogs, eh? Well, I must admit I am somewhat pleased because now I can post lots of inappropriate comments to your entries.
Transferring all of this data must've taken forever! But it looks good. Ladies in bikinis as your top entry - DEFINITELY a good move. (hentai jiji no cackle)
Anyway, I've got internet access once again (well, at least for the next couple of days) so watch out!
Hey, how is it going over there?
We are getting a bit of Tsuyu here having rainy days in the past couple of days. But all the moss on my parent's garden is looking nice, so I am not complaining!
Yeah, I posted the howt women photos for those of you (including you) who would check out women's asses at work ;). Just Kidding~~ But they are looking pretty sweet, aren't they? :)
Well, look forward to seeing some photos in your blog entry, my friend. Gotta hurry up updating yours while have an access to the Internet!
Pls keep good care of yourself during your journey!
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