Monday, March 06, 2006

I am turning Canadian :)

^Chicken & Corn Soup-Traditional Chinese Style<--my breakfast on Sunday :)

It has been way too long since I last updated my page.
I have been super busy, but things are looking very positive and happy, so I am very glad about my mental stability and positive moods :) hehe

Well, first of all, I have attended the Canadian Citizenship Hearing/exam with the judge last Tuesday, and although he asked me approx. 30 somewhat difficult questions (a lot of political and geographical questions, which I studied hehe), I was told that he would approve my application and I could expect to receive the notice for the oath ceremony that I will need to attend. So in another word, this means I am getting my Canadian Citizenship after waiting for 1 year and 3 months since the day I submitted the application, so I am very happy about this. :)

I feel very happy and excited how this will bring my family, my own future family and myself more opportunities and freedom.

On the day of passing this exam, I had an opportunity to have lunch with a friend that inspire and is an influential person (to me). We talked both of exciting news (he recently got engaged!) and talked of our visions and what we want to achieve etc. He asked me some questions that helped me think of my personal goals realistically, and he helped me brainstorm a lot of creative ideas while sharing my dreams, so I felt very happy having had this opportunity to spend time with him. Especially after my b-day cerebration weekend, I concluded that I need to consciously spend time with those like minded individuals to keep me focus on my personal goals and myself helping and supporting them at the same time. So this meeting with him absolutely made my day :)

My lovely co-worker whom I respect and admire so much got me a t-shirt that says *Canadian, eh?* on past Friday to cerebrate it. It was so nice of her. I put it on me and it just felt *right*.

For some reasons, after passing the exam, I really do feel *welcomed* and *accepted* here.
It has given me much strength to stay the way I am, and never let something or someone stop me from what I want to pursue in my life. So this change really has brought so much of positive energy into my life, already, and I feel quite overwhelmed about this, because I did not expect this. hehe

Especially after getting my citizenship and having had this conversation during my lunch meeting with my friend talking about the idea of having my own farm to grow own fresh and organic produce for my cooking adventure, I decided that I need to start practicing what it would be like to grow my own vegetables and herbs. Plus, growing plants and vegetables would allow me to gain much knowledge on nutrients, growing process, how to protect our environment and nurture my motherhood at the same time, so I am very excited about this new hobby and interest!

So although it was more like a spur of a moment result, I went to get some organic seeds, flower pots, organic soil and a book called *you grow girl* to explore this new interest.

I always waned to grow green for my salad and for the sake of health, so the first thing that came in my mind was to grow some white radish sprouts!

So here is the day 1 photo:

I am planting sweet basil and Italian parsley (based on the last frost day and its planting and sow date that I calculated) this week. I plan on growing cherry tomatoes, baby carrots and organic lettuce too. There are more things that I want to try, but I shall be patient with me so that I will not get discouraged if things will not go

But I think it will be a great first step to learning how to appreciate fresh produce that we tend to take for granted. If I could ever prepare meals using ingredients that I produced, then I think the whole process of serving the food will have much values and meanings, and I can not wait to experience the immense joy of sharing and consuming the end Plus, learning how to grow vegetables and plants will help us gain more green in our planet, so I am excited about being a positive cause on protecting the environment in this manner too..anyway, i must sound like an disorganized bragging bitch that needs to go and sleep, so I will go. But I will post some photos tomorrow or something. Thanks for reading! :)