Thursday, February 24, 2005

For my personal progression....

All right. so although I continue to have tummy ache on and off, I am feeling relatively better today. In the past few days, I have been considering of learning more about color coordination. In the past few months, I realized how much I enjoy making things. Although the process of creating something brings such comfort in me, if the completed work looks visually satisfying, it provides such fulfillment, joy and a sense of accomplishment. So I want to learn more about color and its coordination to explore ways to manifest my expressions.

I have not shared this type of thoughts with my family until now, especially after my return to Japan, but my mom responded positively when I talked about it, so I feel tilted towards taking actions on this.

Considering about my future though, I still do not know clearly where I will be spending my *future*. So it does not appear to be smart to engage in a career which demand fluctuates based on different geography. For an instance, I have a great interest in translating some novels and movies taking advantage of my past career experience as a translator/interpreter. But such demand is very low in Canada. Its demand is higher in areas like Tokyo or NYC, but I do not have an immediate plan on relocating myself to Tokyo nor NYC in near future.

I am also interested in working as a business consultant assisting Japanese to start their business in N. America. But such career requires knowledge in law that can differ among different province/states.

Likewise, trying to take some actions for my immediate future career has been difficult due to the fact that I would not know where I will be living my life.

Thusly, it seems investing my time and energy on my current interests appear to be most ideal for my current circumstance, knowing I will not be spending my time forever here in Japan.

Anyway, the topic of my today's entry has become quite serious and confusing for some

people who do not know me, so I want to change the subject and share what sort of occupations I have had in the past.

Well, I have worked in my parent's restaurant where I did all the restaurant related work
except cooking main meals for the customers. I have worked in a telemarketing business for tourism, long distance telecommunication business as well as for an internet technology company. I had fun working for a summer camp as a female counselor waking up at sun rise, teaching cycling class for 2 hours, teaching Japanese and its culture for 2 hours and babysitting kids until past midnite. I have also put together a project for one of my favorite musicians to bring him to Japan for the first time and came here as his translator/tour coordinator. It indeed was such a passionate and exciting experience, although not everything was smooth nor easy. Then what else have I done? I have worked for an university as a bilingual assistant coordinator. It was full of constant challenge, but I feel I learned lots from the assignment as a person and professional. I was very blessed having one of the bestest boss and co-workers as well. I still wish to return there, only if my circumstance allows me to stay here in Japan for
a while... I have also worked in an automotive industry as a Japanese translator, although majority of my work ended up covering all the administrative/database maintenance related work. Being such computer geek, I had fun covering all the responsibility that I gained with
time, and most importantly, I was blessed with amazing co-workers of my LIFE. I still miss all the laughter and smiles that I got to share with them.

Anyway, That's all for today (this time). I will post something interesting later....

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Human Pain and LIFE

I am a woman after all. Shrug. I have been attacked by this awful tummy ache since yesterday that I spent half of the day laying down yesterday. This pain indeed puts me in a negative mental state that I started think about the relation of my mood change as an effect of physical feelings.

It seems as though the physical pain puts me in the mental state where I feel overwhelmed by the painful attack and almost defeated as if I have lost control

over my emotions. It also puts me in the previous emotional state when I felt most physically broke down with no power to fight back.

Realizing all these made me feel that my ability to recognize such tendency is, in fact, a hope for gaining strength over such pain and ability to stand back still against it. Consequently, I shall not let the physical pain overtake my whole mental well being, and I shall let my mental clarity of mind expand its light over me...

In the past, I had this tendency to stay in the cage once the darkness hits me. I would maze around in the dark tunnel wondering how to reach the end with bright sheer of light coming in. Well, for me to see the bright light definitely took some time, at least until I do experience the running high that a long running could provide me.

Not so long ago, I experienced one of the life changing experiences where I was put in the spot between -1 and zero not really knowing how to turn the direction of my journey into the bright future. It happened unexpectedly that it took sometime for me to clearly understand what it meant for me. Hell, I still have no full understanding why it happened, but I think that such change happened, because my life wanted me to understand the true pain and struggles that people in this world experience. After all, life does not always turn in a way all of us desire.

But at least, we are given this ability to dream, creativity to form the path to reach such ultimate, and multiple emotions to cerebrate what our life is about. You know?

It's like: fine, life does not turn in a way we all want. There are endless fighting, human killing, nature destruction and philosophical belief conflicts leading to more "problems" in this world. But after somewhat comprehending the cause of all these problems occurring without our ability to instant resolutions, what can we do about it???

We can still hang onto our ability to dream. We can still keep our hope for better future. We can keep the faith that everything we go through in life could give us the strength and better understanding of ourselves that we can continue to smile with honesty and feel that our life is a precious gift and beautiful. Just like this life has given all these opportunities to *experience* what it is all about, I think that we can keep our faith within us no matter how harshly the reality of our life appears to be.

As long as we have our faith in us, the faith can lead us to much fulfilling mental and emotional state, bringing a peace of mind within us...

But the point that I wanted to make in today's entry is that my little rage against the part of me instantly becoming rather a little *panicked* whenever I acknowledge myself going through a down side of my ladder. Like what's the problem? I am an emotional human being. It is okay to feel happy. Likewise, it is okay to feel down unhappy with certain state of my life. But as soon as I acknowledge myself aving negative state of mind, I lose my ability to accept my true emotions=my true state of being, like I do not care about me if I bother to wonder in this negative zone instead of happy positive energetic world that I personally define myself to be.

So boo to myself. In future, if I ever feel negative, I want to know the cause of such mental state, how I can resolve my issues, and at least take a few actions for my problem solving, and after I do all that, I just want to let it be, and just chill doing whatever I feel like either lay in bed or stay in the bath tub listening to music and let the long sleep nurture my troubled emotional state and have rather peaceful morning the next day. That's all I wanted to say to myself...haha

Monday, February 21, 2005

Happy B-Day to My Dad

It was my dad's b-day today. Yes, my dad, my mom, myself, all of us (and my youngersister) have b-day in February. I cooked mushroom soba pasta for lunch, and then my dad and I went to do some errands. For dinner, my mom helped me with me preparing some sushi.
It turned out well and we had a good b-day cerebration. Here is my dad with a gift from my mom. LOL If you click on below photo, you can see a video clip from the nite.

Click to see a video clip

My dad loves this short cake from this local bakery shop, so he was very happy getting the b-day cake that he asked for. As for me, I got this tiramisu cake that was the bestest desert I have ever ate in my life (for real)!!!

Speaking of video clips, I have a few clips that I have recorded and share with you guys:

Pan&James 1 Here is a video clip of James (white dog) and Pan (monkey) walking after shopping. So cute.
Pan&James 2 Pan got some eggs in the bag, but after chasing after James in a hurry....
Beat Takeshi Tap Dancing Here is a video clip of Beat Takeshi (director of Zatoichi) tap dancing (first half).
Beat Takeshi Tap Dancing Second Half of Takeshi tap dancing.

I am going to post more video clips when I get more :)