Sunday, May 29, 2005

Being a gangster on the road ain't easy

Well, I washed my mom's car first thing in the morning after I had breakfast. I even waxed it, and turned out pretty nice and fresh. :)

Then later on, I made a simple sammich for my grandma and my lunch, and this sleepy-ness hacked me, so I took a nap like a big sloth forever sleeping on a tree.

Then it was time to water the plants, vegetables and flowers outside, so I decided to move the clean car to the side. Then I realized something was different about it. Shite. Seems as though the buttery is gone! :( I must have set the light on mistakenly while cleaning earlier today.
My grandma called a relative for a rescue, and he flew down here right away. He transfered the battery from his car and fixed the problem like a magic.


So I am charging up some battery right now, and it's been about 45 minutes now, so I plan on driving to the gym soon.

Hopefully the car will not die down when I need to return home from the gym though. SO wish me good luck.

Okay, I must check everything when handling my power-tool on the road. Peace

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