Friday, March 04, 2005

Pan & James Special (Matthew from Lost in Translation)

My parents decided to start working out like me instead of cabbing me to and from the gym (I still got no driver's license), so they started working out officially this Wednesday (clapping hands sound here!! LOL). So I have instructed them on how to properly exercise by monitoring their fitness levels. I found instructing people on working out quite fun and amusing. I especially found my dad's work out clothings to be mad funny. He pulled out this training suits that are somewhat faded in color. He obviously must have kept them in the closet for the past 2 decades, so it was a little tight fitting, and it looked so ghey. I wished I took a photo of him before heading out to the gym, but since we were in a hurry trying to get there before 5pm (after that the gym charges us evening fees), I could not. Well, do not worry. I will take a photo for you to see how silly looking my dad is next time. LOL Anyway, I do not know why he decided to wear that old school suits rather than his modern work out clothes. I suppose he sort of remembered back in the days memories and felt young wearing them.


Here is a video clip of Pan (monkey) and James (white dog) again. This time's episode was that they were asked to go and buy a sticky rice for their boss (owner), and take a boat and elevator to return home. I totally forgot about the show, so I only saw and recorded from the middle of it. Nevertheless, they are suchcute animals. Worth checking them out :) haha

In this file, you get to see them playing around before heading to get on the boat.

Kiss & Hugs Valentine's!
One of my stuffed animal that sings hip hop song giving me valentine's spirit all year around :)

Not sure how many of you remember "Matthew" (the ghey looking Japanese comedian guy) from the movie, "Lost in Ttanslation". After returning here in Japan one night, I realized how the show actually exist in reality, so here is a movie clip of Matthew from his show. Matthew answered correct to a quiz, so he is eatingsushi in this clip.

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