Saturday, March 05, 2005

More Japanese Commercial/Visual Clips

As I promised yesterday, I have taken a photo of my dad before heading out to the
gym. So here it is:

By the way, his look reminds me of a Japanese comedian, Tunnels doingtheir "moji-moji-kun" joke:


I made him put his modern work out clothes on top of his old skool suits before leaving though. LOL Pan& James-I was able to upload 2 more following video clips of Pan and James (from yesterday's episode) in my web server, so if you were

interested, please check them out:


Here is a video clip of Pan (chimpanzee) and James (white dog) again. This time's episode was that they were asked to go and buy a sticky rice for their boss (owner), and take a boat and elevator to return home. I totally forgot about the show, so I only saw and recorded from the middle of it. Nevertheless, they are such cute animals. Worth checking them out :) haha
In this file, you get to see them playing around before heading to get on the boat.


James and Pan were sitting outside of the boat, but since it got cold, Pan decides to go inside. They then encounter a mascot of a
dam that gives out candies for little kids. Notice how Pan gets
an extra candy sneakingly and keeps it safely in his pouch.

Pan & James
After getting on the boat, James and Pan would have to get on the elevator, but Pan does not realize how he would need to press the button to get on and use the elevator. Notice how Pan jumps with joy when he finally gets inside the elevator though! LOL Later James gets hungry after sniffing on a girl's candy. He remembers the candy, which Pan kept in his pouch, so he tries getting it from him and they end up fighting! The consequence of it is that Jamestearing apart Pan's pouch :(

When I was having supper, my favorite commercial was on, so I immediately tried to video
record it. Although it is from the middle, it is still mad funny I think :)

Lemon Gas Commercial

Check out this little Japanese girl rapping for a gas company called "Lemon Gas"

That's it for today. Must wake up early tomorrow, so gotta go to bed now. Good nite!

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