Saturday, October 01, 2005


The past few weeks were spent mostly taking care of my new career responsibility as an event/catering manager for a company that owns two separate Japanese restaurants.

Tonite, I was supposed to go out, but I came home disappointed as I was stuck at work until midnite and knowing that I would not be able to wake up early enough if I did make the decision to still go out and do *my thing* tonite....

Looking at my work schedule, I do not know when I would get to go and check out some sweet deephouse music next (or yet alone the opportunity to take a complete off for a day or two).

Although I love what I do for my work and I am blessed with the people that I work with, when I start looking into other needs that I have in my life, I find myself questioning: "what is it that I need in my life? What do I need to fulfill myself as a person????"

You know, my daily work out doing my cardio absolutely brings me a clear realization that I am given this life again. I often gain feelings such as "I am given another chance (a day) to live. How would I want live my day to fullfill it so that I will be happy eternally to go into the next world when my time comes??"

And usually, I have a wonderful day throughout the day and I forget how physically tired I maybe after having a long hour work, because everything that is given to me is ultimately a gift, and I must appreciate it fully (opportunity to work, opportunity to share my skills, ideas, creativities, initiatives etc).

But when I become alone, elements that are not fulfilled come into my mind wondering and questioning me when I will spend the energy to fulfill their needs. Maybe because I have covered such long hour work since I had my day off last time...

I miss spending time with my friends.
I miss having the time to go to kensington market and china town for my cooking.
I miss having hearty meal from in the morning.
I miss eating nice brunch with my roommate on the weekend.
I miss meeting up with my friends to chat and share whatever goes around in our minds and endlessly talk about some theories on energy/spirituality etc.
I miss.....feeling that I belong to the nature around me.

I think that I need to learn how to appreciate the given moment of time in each different picture slide that I live in. I could still appreciate my time riding on my bike from and to the gym as I pass through a road where you have humoungus trees on each side of the road, even it is for a short period of time.

I wished that I could make some arrangements with friends early in advance, so that I could manage to see them more frequently than letting a week go by without seeing any of them :(
But due to the nature of my work (a role in the management group), I must prioritize the emergent needs there, and it seems as though there is always a new business coming along our way and I would need to spend extra hours investigating on the background, objective, strategy, statistics etc...staring on the computer for hours and hours, and this is amazing career wise, but when I look into my needs to spend my friends, I become......sad..

My friends are my family.
I need to see them.
I need to spend time with them.
I need to share some smiles/laughters/bright ideas/insightful perspectives/positive energy with them.

Sigh. you know, and yes, I know I am going into the circle here, but I think I need to spend time with my friends.

Ange- I miss you girl. Where the hell are you when I need to go dancing or urban outfitters to try on some skirts in the change rooms together????? :(

****cool female friends into GOOD deephouse music in demand....I need to have some girly time right now!!!!!******

DAWN-I so wisheddd you were in T-dot! (or myself in Vancouver).
I miss my sisters--------it would be kinda dope if I could see them even they may tease me sometime for my geekyness.. LOL

TOMO- I wish to see you freaking SOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Hey Kumi, take a deep breath Kumi.. its all a adjustment for you. I'm pretty sure it won't be always like this. Its a temporary state. I believe once you know how to move to the beat at work (like how I hear you do.. when you dance) You'll be able to take those short cuts and know how to make those time saving calls. Hopefully hiring a assistant is in order in the near future. But I'm glad you're finding that time to destress. I hope you're talking to your boss to... of some sort of happy agreement that will let you get sometime to yourself.

until then. Take care of yourself Kumi!

SoulManifesto.Net said...

thanks, vince!
i am positive that I will get used to the nature of this job soon and I will get to plan my personal time with friends early in advance... But I think that things will be quite tight till the end of this month though, as we have a lot of events coming up..

But now that the weather is getting chilly and we all know that Christmas is approaching, I want to plan my winter holidays, but I need to know what kind of mega events are happening in January/February first .. I already know that I am stuck in T-dot for Christmas, but should be all right considering that all of my staff will be in the same shoe, and I am kinda excited about cerebrating Christmas with them too :) Vince, we still gotta do our tea thing soon :) Thanks so much for your support!!! Sending you some goood energy back to ya :) peace!!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

good. I just wanted you to lose sight of things. It won't always be so hectic.. and there will be a break from the storm ahead.

Tea? you got it Kumi.. I think I'm going to have to.. I'm starting to run out of excuses not to go ;) hahhahahaa

and thanks for the postive energy.. I could use it right about now! more smiles Please!