Wednesday, September 07, 2005

"I feel absolutely fabulous!!"

I had such a fabulous day!
Great news with a lot of career opportunities that are coming on my way.
Until things are settled, I shall keep it personal and confidential, but things are looking GREAT :)

Most importantly, I had such great meetings with a couple gentlemen who shared similar idealism and passion for carrer (business) and personal development with my own. While talking to them, it brought such great sense of comfort, assuring me to stay who I am. I have been doubtful about it (staying true to who I am), because of a difficult time cultivating a path to my ultimate career having had not so much luck in gaining the opportunities that I would drool on. But it is also true how I have only recently became empowered by insightful comments and feedback by people who shared a similar vision on life philosophy, so I can not claim that things have been that difficult, because I have not been sticking to my own true calling for so long!!! LOL (no complaining if no actions taken! ;) )

But now that I feel very much tuned with my own inner self, I feel much stronger, empowered and fully aware about changes that go thru within me and in my life, and I feel GREAT, because I know I can accept the reality and adapt to it with my flexible mind and open attitude and heart :)

Starting this week, my gym is having a member appreciation week.
And a lot of new adult fitness classes are having demonstrations as well.

Today I participated in the Jazz dance and NIA class.

The Jazz class was fun, but after taking the NIA class, I was blown away and felt: "this is what I have been waiting for!! this is soooo my stuff!!!!!"

For those who do not know NIA, please visit this website that gives you a great overview of this fitness medicine :) and it is important that you understand its philosophy to fully understand this spiritually nurturing and highly touching experience that I had.

The instructor gave us an oral description of NIA in the first 5 minutes of our 30 minutes demonstration, and started the class.

During the exercise, she would encourage us to feel the space and our body, and gather specific emotions that we experience on our daily basis as a human. We gathered negative emotions and threw them away by engaging in vocal expressions and through many different bodily movements. We also nurtured and healed our spirituality by acknowledging our self respect and love.

During the class, the instructor's instructions and warm messages were so touching that I became emotional and felt like crying. I also felt that I have been exercising alone for way too long. I discovered a joy of self-nuturing and healing with others by openly sharing our true emotions.

Towards the end of the class, we did a little exercise to empower ourselves as women. The instructor asked us to repeat after her, and we loudly claimed ourselves to be: "strong, aleart, aware, conscious, feeling gorgeous and fabulous and sexy". :)

I felt that NIA would help me develop and improve my body launguage and movements to express my emotions to myself and with others.

I got so interested in this that I am curious to learn more and find ways to practice it on my own. But I am very determined to enroll in this NIA class now (not so much sure about Jazz after participating in this NIA class and realizing that I like more of cultural body movements), so I hope that enough people will show their interests by next Tuesday.

Peace and love,


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