Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Arriving in Toronto

I arrived at Toronto last nite around 7:15pm after 12 hrs of my flight from Tokyo. The flight actually wasn't as bad as I expected. Perhaps, sleeping during flight meals helped let the time slip away. LOL

Oh, I have something that I want to make a note of. You would not believe this. Air Canada gave us Hagen Datz ice cream! I was like. for real? LOL I was happy, but being on a flight, rich icecream did not digest well in my stomach, so I did not finish, but it indeed was sweet to get such a thing in an economy class flight, you know? LOL Just thought about sharing.

My parents recently were on Canada-Japan flight with the Japan Air Line, and told me they watched 3 movies, and two of them included the most recent movies out (Shall We Dance? and Million Dollars Baby). So I was expecting to see at least a couple movies, but meah, they only gave us one (the name of the movie was like "got ball?" or something of that line, about basketball team somewhere in the states trying to get academically recognized before getting the fame thru their great basketball reputation).

Anyway, my friend, Ange's parents came to pick me up at the airport. There was a strike by the cab and limo drivers who were blocking the way towards the airport. So we united just before 9pm. The bright sky kept me thinking it was still mid-afternoon though. LOL Gotta get used to the longer day time here during the summer time, wooo yeah!

So after getting here, we chatted, looking at some photos and what not, and I went to bed around 11pm. I slept fine, but woke up around 6am feeling a little tired, so I think I will need to drink loads of water and tea to stay up all day today and go to bed at nite (instead of having a nap) to correct my body clock. :)

The weather here is quite HOT!! I hope I will adjust myself physically here okay though. Well, I am super looking forward to meeting with my friends. :) We got the pride weekend this week, so that will be a lot of fun, I am pretty sure :) Well, gotta go and make a list of things to do... Please look forward for some photos that I hope to share online in the next couple of days. Peace :)

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