Thursday, May 12, 2005

Living Life to its Fullest

Inspired by a topic where I shared my perspective in an email communication with my friend :), I want to blag about different perspectives on "living life to its fullest".

Many people talk about this "living the life to its fullest" in many different occasions I think. "hey, live your life to its fullest! and you are OK" or "hope you are living your life to its fullest". But what kind of perspective/definition is laid behind this message that people use?

My definition of living the life to its fullest:

If one makes the best out of the given situation/time in our day, appreciating what is given to us, I think one is literally living the life to its fullest. BUT, here is the kick. LOL (just sharing my standard that I have put on myself. lol)

To qualify for declaring myself for living the life to its fullest in my
perspective, I want to be spending even a little time expressing my
passion/personality in every day life on top of meeting above mentioned
needs. I do not take my life for granted, and do not even know when I will
die. I am always attracted to those individuals who are able to freely
express themselves through actions, so I want to have the time to manifest
myself, as it is my way to cerebrate my identity (just like the cherry
bloosom trees blooming as if it is cerebrating the life being the cherry

Not so long ago, my definition sticked to the quantity of actions that I took to reach out for the set goal that I had. So I was a strict spartan who had to spend certain actions in a given day to declare my life to be lived fulfillingly. But after learning that the beauty of cherishing the given moment and enjoy feeling the peace around me by doing absolutely NOTHING (perhaps chugging on some green tea and eating senbe made it all better too though..hahaha), my definition has changed. Maybe this is the beginning of my lazy arse kumi-journey to the future. :)

What is your take on this? Any perspectives to be shared with me will be greatly appreciated :) PEACE

Today, I drove the car ALL BY MYSELF to the gym for the first time. Yay! I listened to this CD, "Work Out" by Sumo, which was given to me from my friend, Dawn on the way to and from the gym. F*** happy I was. I can not get enough of this freedom that I gained. I freeeeking LOVE IT.

So although I came home to assure my parents that I am a grown-up and able to travel to places all by myself (LOL), I decided to visit two shops for my beginner driver-adventure: for the sake of practicing parking in a different scenarios. LOL But man, was I in at the summit of Mt. Fuji while driving. I can now understand why guys (maybe only in Japan, but) love taking girls for a drive by the lake and It's soo much fun :)

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