Friday, May 20, 2005

It's Official NOW-Toronto, here I come!

I purchased a flight ticket from Tokyo Narita to Toronto today! So now it is official that I am leaving Japan to return to my second home country, Canada (Toronto) on June 20th (and arriving on the same date).

So this means I will need to find a place to live. LOL

Bleh, do you know anyone who may have a cozy place for rent? If so, please email me at

I am not super picky where to live as long as it is closed to TTC.

Anyhow, I have found a new addiction recently: sewing!

I have been sewing and trying to put together pieces of texitiles into something that we call: clothing. I like the process of putting some creative ideas into a 3-D piece (putting a life into my internal ideas).

So I started this process from the drawing of the pattern, cutting off the paper and placing it on a texitle, cutting the texitile and then sewing the pieces together. Then I would frequently place the sewed pieces on me and seeing on the mirror checking how it will look when its completed.

It's quite fun actually, and although I get frustrated sometime, the magic of making things is wonderful :) Right, I am making excuses not to spend time preparing myself for my return to Canada. LOL

Well, I have no way back now, since I purchased the ticket as of today. I shall get into the business. Rock'n Roll, baby. Here I come :)

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