Sunday, May 22, 2005

House Pet, Ka-ko-chan goes MISSING!

When I woke up, my mom told me that Ka-ko-chan went missing 30 minutes after she opened her cage to let her walk around the house. Kako-chan is a crow pet that my dad captured over 1 year ago (for more details, please read the page 4 April 6th & 8th entry. About a month ago, Ka-ko-chan started making noise early from in the morning, so my mom all frustrated with a lack of sleep told my dad to free the crow for good.

So one day, my dad took Ka-ko-chan in a cage and brought to an area where other crows wonder around to let her go. But Ka-ko-chan who for the first time went outside of the cage did not know how to fly, and only chased after my dad like a little baby, having an attachment to him. In that instant, my dad was emotionally moved and gained a fatherhood feeling for Ka-ko-chan; and thus, my dad declared Ka-ko-chan to be our official part of our family. Since then, we started calling her as "Ka-ko-chan", a very adorable pet of us (we put "chan" in the end of female names to show our love towards them).

Since then, we started letting Ka-ko-chan have her morning and afternoon walk to let her practice how to fly, also to play around with all these tools that my dad placed at the front of our house. Then all of a sudden, her mother, who used to make a frequent tearful visit on Ka-ko-chan started attacking on her. What a bully mother!

So we had to start watching the bully mother and protect Ka-ko chan from this harm. Poor Ka-ko-chan though, cause she would still spare a bit of her food in a corner and place a leaf over it (thinking she has hid the food from others noticing) and keep it until her mother's visit (yes, Ka-ko-chan is such a thoughtful baby). But we had to start watching the bully mother from attacking Ka-ko-chan. We initially thought that it was a response of a wild animal that hated Ka-ko-chan from belonging too much to our human world. Whatever the reasons, we did not want the bully mother attacking our Ka-ko-chan, so we were watching Ka-ko-chan at all times.

Then all of a sudden, Ka-ko-chan went missing! So we were like: "shite, the bully mother finally took Ka-ko-chan away. Maybe she killed Ka-ko-chan and dropped it off in a river or something. Maybe an annoyed neighbor decided to capture Ka-ko-chan (ka-ko still makes some noise in the morning. Definitely less now that she has less stress after we started letting her walk outside of the cage). Or Ka-ko-chan just wanted to run away from us.

Who knows, we went looking around the house for over 1 hour before eating breakfast. But we failed locating her, so we started working for the restaurant. A few hours went by. At noon, we spotted Ka-ko-chan's sibling crow, but no Ka-ko-chan found. We looked around our neighborhood once again, but there was no sign of Ka-ko-chan whatsover. :( We have no idea where she disappeared to, but our family pet, Ka-ko-chan went missing. Maybe she was ready to get back to the world where she truly belongs to. But since she does not know how to fly (her feather is not grown fully yet), we worry how she may survive her life where she could be attacked by her bully mother. Hope Ka-ko-chan is all right. We had such a quiet day having Ka-ko-chan missing. What a tremendous energy Ka-ko-chan had on us afterall. I thought that although she is just a little bird, she indeed has a soul afterall that brightens up our family atmosphere.

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