Friday, April 22, 2005

Just a quick update on my HEART

I had no drivin lesson today, so I had an opportunity to go and see a heart specialist today finally.

Well, I appear to have an abnormal cardiac rhythm (irregular heart beat). But this is nothing new, cause whenever I had my heart checked up when I was young, the doctor always indicated this problem to me. But for the past over 20 years, I had absolutely no problem running around in the play ground swinging my baseball bat chasing after some neighbor kids (joke) or running until I get no sensation on my feet for over 3 hrs and half (true story) not sure why this is becoming a problem right now.

The doctor told me that I get an extra beat between the normal heart rhythm, and this can cause me to have a heart pain especially when I am under great stress mentally and physically.

Thankfully this irregular beat is caused from the upper left chamber. What this means is that it is not like insufficient oxygen will be delivered to the rest of my body when this happens; therefore, it does not risk my life even when I continue to experience this. But since it causes such acute heart pain, I may be suggested to take a medication to deal with this problem. But before he gives me some medication, we agree to monitor my heart activity for 24 hours on May 6th to determine the cause of my problem. :)

It sort of sounds serious, but really, I am doing well right now. The doctor said that I should try to get good nite sleep (enough sleep) and relax more. Thinking back, my heart pain started when I was averaging 3-4 hrs of sleep last fall, so this sort of makes sense. LOL

So I plan on going to bed early tonite, waking up early tomorrow to go to the gym before getting my 2 hr driving lesson. I made a few more earrings today, so if you were interested, please check them out: Click here. Oh, and I was able to cook some food the past couple of days, so I updated my cooking page as well. Talk to you later :) Peace

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