Monday, April 25, 2005

I love our pet, Brian!!/My Old Drawings

After coming back from my driving lessons, I played with our family pet, Brian. :) When I returned to Japan, he was one pouty brat, since none of my family members (my parents and my grandma) make time to play with him. He used to always give me this "what you looking at? you are not going to play with me anyway, are you?" look. LOL But I have started taking at least 15 minutes of my day every day to

share good time with each other. He has turned into a rather big stupid dog (due to none of us disciplining him), so it is dangerous to take him for a walk :(
Consequently, his exercise routine has been limited to the time that I played with him with a ball and hide and seek around his house.

Anyhow, take a look at below photos of me and Brian. He is such a cute and very HONEST dog. I can tell what he is thinking just looking at his facial expressions. I bet all of youcan also tell what he is up to.. haha

Brian awaits for my arrival sitting on this proper posture. He thinks I am his "favorite" boss, cause I give him some snack (beef jerkies). My dad is officially his boss, but Brian lacks smiles when he is around, cause he can be such a spartan. LOL

Check out how happy Brian looks as I continue to pet him. awww :)

Andlook at this one! Brian is soo spoiled here. hehe

Prettycute huh? Well, if any of you have sweet animal photos, please share with me :) Oh speaking of sharing a photo, I have a quite XXX rated pic to share with you. LOL

Well, we have Hichi fuku jin that are seven Gods which carry happiness for us. They are very famous as civilian belief from Muromati period. The image of them is as shown asbelow.

Below photo was sent to me via my school friend, Ai-chan.
Oh god, I was hesitated to post this, but I would like you guys to see how XXX this photo looks. Can you believe a statue like this is actually built in public here in Japan ? I mean...... wow. LOL

I think it is one of the gods called Hotei-sama. Check out how proud he looks with his huge XXX. Apparently (according to Ai-chan, petting the unit three times gives you good luck. So if you wanna be lucky, don't hesitate to touch on the unit. Just make sure no one is watching or behindyou when you do it though. LOL)

While looking for some documents tonite, I found these color copies of some drawings that I did almost 5 years ago. Looking at these images reminded me of the phase of my life back then, and it was quite refreshing to me, so I decided to take photos of the copies and post them herein my blog :)

Belowdrawing was dedicated for a former co-worker (tibetian lady) who was gifted with a new life. I gave her this piece wishing her for a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery of her child.

"EnergyCommunication "

"Mein the city" -I was living in Down Town, Toronto back then...

"Alchemist The Apple"-Dedicated to the book, "Alchemist" By Paulo Coelho:

I used to get down quite frequently wondering where I belonged and how I could live much fulfilling life back then....I used to shed some tears while taking a warm bath, so I drew a picture reflecting such moments:

"I turn into a snake in a presence of you"

That's all the images that I have with me.I did a ton more, but gave them all to my friends... :) so this is it for now. :) peace

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