Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Go Go Power Rangers!

All right. So some of you may already know my parents (mostly my dad) for being quite silly. Well, my folks left the house early in the morning

on Tuesday to Nagano again, this time to get on the helicopter to fly all the way up to a high mountain (donno the name) and then to snowboard from there for 16km. Below is a photo of them while onthe helicopter.

Yes, they (mostly my dad) are getting quite hard core outdoor people. But if you actually
meet them in person, you may instead just mistake them for power rangers, the legendary heroes of our all-time.

Mydad is currently very into *trekking*. Well, just like other Japanese, the first thing that my dad does whenever he wants to challenge a new activity is to purchase all the related goods for it. So in the past few weeks, my dad has purchased a outdoor backpack and hiking boots for himself and my mom, all ready for the spring/summer outdoor sports: hiking, and he always brags about how *cool* it will be to trek in great nature of Canada. He is even talking about crossing Canada thru driving from East to West this early summer too. Considering him for being mid-50s, I guess his *willing to challenge new activities* is inspiring to people of all age, so yeah, you guys better shut up and stop laughing by looking at his photos now, okay? LOL

Anyway, back to the story about my dad though, when I told him how iPod is very popular in N. America, he asked me to bookmark the apple web site in his computer. Then there was an iPod commercial on TV, so I told him that was what iPod was about, and the next thing I knew,

he was asking me to order two iPod shuffles for himself and my mom. After getting this iPod is now a history among my family members. He carries it everywhere he goes, and sings along to some songs all the time. Then a few days after he got his iPod, there was a guest whom my dad invited *to order iPod shuffle online*. So I helped him order one for him, and that was when my mom and I learned how my dad goes to pretty much every friendly friends he has in the city showing off his new *trendy-fashion*. According to my mom, when they went to Nagano for the helicopter experience, there were people around my age, so while they were waiting for the helicopter, my dad all of a sudden took out his iPod from his brand-new backpack and started
listening to music, acting *cool* at front of young kids. LOL So yeah, I am day after another realizing how my dad loves the new urban trends, and instantly include such things into his own. LOL

I have an another funny story of him. A couple days ago, we were watching *the last samurai* on TV. While we were watching all these Japanese actors fighting with the swords/arrows etc during our supper, my dad all of a sudden goes: "Dare ka scout shitekurenaikana? (Wonder
if someone could scout me).. That's right. My dad secretly dreams of becoming a Hollywood movie star. LOL

My story telling can not describe how funny my dad can be. I wish all you guys will have a life time opportunity to interact with him onfriendly level :)

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