Friday, February 04, 2005

Spending some time alone

My parents went to Nagano to snowboard today that I had all day to myself. I enjoy spending my time with other people, but I definitely need sometime to spend alone: the balance is the key.

Back here at home, it has been great spending time with my parents. I have questioned myself whether I had ever spent my time with them alone in the past. Now that I think of it, broght up as a second eldest daughter of 4 girls in the house, I have never spent time with them alone for the last 26 years.

It indeed is an interesting feeling to have the parents pay all their attention to you. But since I am so used to occupy myself by doing things alone, today's solitary time seemed somewhat refreshing to me.

Additionally, I have been putting my website work on the side, I wanted to work on it today. To my satisfaction, I was able to come up some images/design for the website quite easily, so I decide to put them all online to share with my friends.

The purpose of this website is to reflect on my SELF once again while gaining the sense of self that can fulfill myself to its fullest so that I can manifest my SELF and SOUL passionately...:)

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