Saturday, February 12, 2005

Feelings Sick But Peaceful

When I woke up, I was feverish, but still not sure whether it be a side effect from the shot I had from the doctor's office. I wanted to go to the gym today, so I raised and had a breakfast normally. My dad started washing cars as the weather was very nice today, so I helped him in a bit cold temperature outside (about 5 celcius or so, but handling cold water made it much colder than it would be without). My body was a bit sluggish, as if I had not much energy, but I wanted to complete helping my dad with cleaning the cars first, so I proceeded to clean for the next one hour or so. By the time I finished, I went upstairs and cleaned both my parents's and my rooms. I layed down in bed listening to this cd that my friend mailed me ("Immortal Memory" by Lisa Gerrard) and fell into sleep. This album really relaxes me and puts me in such trance where words scatter away from me and just let the sound of music surrender myself. Anyhow, by the time I woke up around 4pm, my body started aching, so it was clear that I had gotten a cold. I got some medication and went back to sleep after eating curry udon noodles. I then slept until 9pm and woke up, and ate supper with my parents. After we ate supper, my dad complained how his thighs are sore, so I gave him some massage on his feet and lower legs. I then gave the same massage to my mom. I then was going to go and sleep, but my mom offered me some feet massage (my dad offered me shoulder massage), so I accepted them and relaxed like a spoiled fool. LOL

I felt such harmony and peace in the house, and was very happy to experience such moment with them here in Japan. Okay, I gotta go and sleep now. Good nite, and wish me good luck that my cold will go away by tomorrow morning. Peace :)

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