Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Feeling VERY SPRING right now :)

Not so long ago, I received an Easter cerebration package from my respected friend full of yummy chocolates and boxes of my favorite refreshment, TEA! etc (THAANK YOU x2!!). I then received a few CDs made by my sweet friend Ange, which widen my music collection :) (THAANK YOU x2!!)

It is very wonderfully thoughtful of them, and I was feeling very warm inside as of recently. Then wow, I received this package from my new friend, Dawn today, full of great cosmetic stuff and GREAT MUSIC (LOADS of CDs)!!

I was overwhelmed with her thoughtfulness, so I had to take a photo! (Sorry, I ate most of the chocolates..haha~)

I, hereby, would like to express my immense appreciation to her. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!! I tried the lip balm on my dried lips (change of season makes my skin get dry) after opening the package. It's wonderful!! and I can't wait until tomorrow morning to put my make up on :) haha It's great being a girl. I feel wonderful having able to explore human beauty thru a lot of things: make up, working out, choosing an outfit and earrings of the day, taking a candle light bath listening to great music...I also appreciate the great weather as of today (can you believe that today's temperature rose up to 25 degrees? although we had freaking SNOW on MONDAY??), seeing the color of pink and green (blooming cherry bloosom tree) here and there... :) I feel lucky having able to exercise under great weather, feeling the warm wind and sun light on my body..and letting the music take me on a great mind-journey now that the weather has gotten quite warm....

Oh, more reasons to feel HAPPY: one of my fav artists, Dylan Drazen has his new deephouse mix available online. It's been a while since he put a deephouse mix, so this is very exciting to me. I also received such great news: my best friend is given a DJ gig at Sonotheque in 3 weeks!!! He will be performing along with Anthony Nicholson. :D woo hoo~! I so wish I will get to see him perform live..but my spirit will definitely be there, my Friend. You go Boy!! Ganbatte-ne!! :)

As for me, I am doing well. I am to be honest a little tired that I think of going to bed in a few minutes as the clock turns 22:00. But I want to make a note how I had a great conversation with my grandma talking about my thoughts on near future move (away from Japan) and hearing stories of WW2 (how she survived it) tonite. We both shed some tears while talking, and I felt so blessed having my own grandmother healthy and able to share some precious stories with me. I hope I will be able to take sometime to write down some of her stories, so that the stories will be left behind and pass onto newer generations to remind all of us how lucky we are to have all that we have...

Okay, gotta sleep. Oh, another thing. My dad is keeping a crow as a pet since 1 year ago or so (according to my mom). This crow was captured with my dad's hope to teach it how to speak Japanese, and to this date, I have not heard a single word that sounds like Japanese (it speaks differently based on his mood though..lol).

Anyway, the crow is kept in a cage, and we feed some food and water (its favorite is fries), right? Well, the other day, my dad all of a sudden came to the living room, where I was doing some work, and he was like: "Kumi, come quickly! but stay quiet." I followed him and watched towards the direction he was pointing at. Surprisingly, the parent of the crow was having a visit on its baby. LOL Apparently, the parent makes frequent visit, checking up on how its baby is doing and all..but it was my first time seeing the crow family having a tearful union with each other..lol So I thought it was cool.. Okay. bye :)

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